Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai (2023) Movie: Notorious Case Of Baba

Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai is a Hindi movie. Inspired by real-life incidents, it narrates a recent tale about the criminal POCSO case involving an older Baba and a minor girl child.

This legal drama draws from some of the relevant real-life cases about the sinful conduct of some of the fake Baba Ji. And how these Baba and their blind followers have tried everything to pervert the course of justice.

Synopsis (summary) of this 2023 Hindi movie

An ordinary lawyer PC Solanki (Manoj Bajpayee) takes on a godman accused of assaulting a minor. Up against the most renowned legal advisors, will he be able to deliver justice to the victim?

Spoilers free review of the Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai (2023) movie

Harsh realities of the legal system in India

In this contemporary legal drama, a common man (the lawyer played by Manoj Bajpayee) with honesty and integrity can take on the justice system. He has the truth on his side.

But is it enough, when there is a big-bad world out there? Doesn’t the money power rule and dominate the proceeding in the court as well as in society?

Isn’t it a reality? Why does the legal system often fail to deliver?

Well, in this story, the deep pockets of sleazy Baba Ji were enough to buy the best lawyers. He even got politicians to intervene and intimidate the entire justice system. Besides, his goons silenced the key witnesses in the said case by hook or by crook. We all have read and heard the news about similar cases involving the bogus Baba Ji (fake godmen) in India.

Story of infamous Baba Ji

So, a real-life ill-famed Baba Ji has inspired this film. A few years ago, Baba Ji was jailed for a similar POSCO case. So, it seems that there are quite a few real-life characters, whose names have been changed for the obvious reason. Hopefully, you are interested in learning about a real-life case from India. So, we have shared its details in the spoilers given below.

Boats of a bunch of good Actors

Manoj Bajpayee (lawyer PC Solanki) has always been a top-class actor. And he is good in this film too. The ensemble cast of talented actors – Adrija Sinha (girl victim Nu), Surya Mohan Kulshreshtha (Baba Ji), Vipin Sharma (Lawyer Sharma), Jai Hind Kumar (Nu’s father), Durga Sharma (Nu’s mother), etc. are in fine form too.

The conclusion

Also, its engaging storyline makes it a compelling watch. Although, it has a few drawbacks in its story and a bunch of goof-ups in the film. It tells us about the harsh realities in India. No doubt, it is a relevant film of recent times, as it exposes the misdeeds of fake godmen in India. But the big question remains.

Lastly, the big question remains relevant. For how long do so many Dhongi Baba Ji Log (fake godmen) continue to rule the hearts of their gullible followers in India?

Spoilers alert – about POSCO, three types of sin & real-life people

Focus:- the POSCO Act of 2012 that the film refers to

More than a decade ago, the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 (POCSO Act) was enacted to provide a robust legal framework for the protection of children from offences of sexual assault, sexual harassment and pornography while safeguarding the interest of the child at every stage of the judicial process in India.

It is a landmark act that has brought some kind of safeguard against the minor children of India.

Focus:- three types of sin that the film refers to

A story from Ramayana

This story comes from Ramayana and it involves the conversation between God Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Lord Shiva conveys that the abduction of Devi Sita by Raavan was of the third category as he knowingly impersonated the Sages (ऋषि – मुनि / Rishi-Muni) to trick her into coming out of the Lakshmana Rekha and that enabled Raavan to kidnap her.

Thus the sins committed by Raavan fall in the third category, he sullied the holy images of sages for ages. Baba Ji (in the film) also behaved like a Raavan and committed the sin of the third kind. No doubt, the court and the justice system of India punished him, accordingly.

Describing the three types of sins

First is the sin (पाप / paap). If humans committed sins either knowingly or unknowingly, even then, they could atone by offering their sincere apology and various other means.

Second is the sin of extreme type (अति पाप / ati-paap). Gods and people could forgive those people who have participated in sins of an extreme nature (like murder, kidnapping and other similar heinous crimes), in some rare cases.

Third is the sin of great type (महा पाप / maha-paap). Gods and people could forgive those people who have carried out the sins of great and enormous nature. Because these grave sins have adversely affected humanity and spirituality for centuries.

Focus:- the real-life inspiration of the reel lawyer P C Solanki (Manoj Bajpayee)

The Jagran newspaper reported: “Lawyer P C Solanki In his five-year court battle with Asaram Bapu, who was charged with raping a kid (2013–18), Solanki gained notoriety and eventually succeeded in having him found guilty. Poonam Chand Solanki joined the bar council of Rajasthan in 1996 and since then has been associated with it. In his over two-decade career, Solanki has fought many cases in the High Court, Supreme Court and Session courts.”

Focus:- the real-life inspiration of the reel Baba Ji (Surya Mohan Kulshreshtha)

The Wire (India) news magazine reported: “Asaram Bapu (Baba JI) had been booked under Sections 342 (punishment for wrongful confinement), 376 (rape), 354A (assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty), 506 (punishment for criminal intimidation) and 509/34 (word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman read with Section 36 – acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention) of the IPC, as well as under relevant sections of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POSCO) Act and Sections 23 and 26 of the Juvenile Justice Act.”

Key details of this 2023 Hindi movie

Genre Drama, Legal
Original languageHindi – सिर्फ एक बंदा काफी है (Only One Guy Is Enough)
Original name of the filmबंदा (A Guy)
WriterDeepak Kingrani
DirectorApoorv Singh Karki
CastManoj Bajpayee, Adrija Sinha, Surya Mohan Kulshreshtha, Vipin Sharma, Jai Hind Kumar, Durga Sharma, etc.
About – Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Ha (2023) film.

Poster of this 2023 Hindi movie

Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai (2023) film – poster.

FM’s rating of this 2023 Hindi movie

FM’s rating4.05/5
FM’s short comments We loved this film. In this real-life story, Manoj Bajpayee stands tall and acts as Rajasthani lawyer PC Solanki convincingly in this legal drama.
FM’s rating – Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai (2023) film.

Trailer of this 2023 Hindi movie

official trailer – Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai (2023) film – ZEE5 | YouTube.

You can watch the Jai Bhim movie, too, in case you like this legal courtroom drama from India.

Featured & Other Images: Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai | Zee5.

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